Based in Berkshire County, amidst quiet, biodiverse hills and forest, lies the hub of Helia Land Design’s creations.
As Helia recognizes that local and global ecosystems are becoming exponentially threatened by climate change, pollution and development, we've made it our mission to protect native plant diversity, develop and enhance habitat for birds, butterflies, dragonflies, pollinators and amphibians, thus supporting a resilient ecosystem.
Our team of visionary landscapers focus on restoring wildflower meadows, woodlands, wetlands and design sacred spaces for humans, animals and plants alike, carrying the model for land stewardship into every project assignment.
Helia’s very own farm plant nursery grows native perennials, trees and shrubs, and preserves native genotypes through seed banking. Our plants are available for the landscaping community, homeowners, and nature enthusiasts. Many of the species we propagate are state listed rare, endangered or of special concern. By growing and planting these species, together we ensure their survival for generations to come. Our techniques of propagation are strictly earth-based. We use the highest quality organic potting material, compost, mycorrhizal fungi from the farm, and mulch to create a diverse soil food web.
We only use a passive solar greenhouse, reuse all our pots and are conscious about our daily water use and we have a strict non-chemical approach to plant propagation.
Visit our website for Helia Native Nursery.